Just the act of not eating meat doesn’t make a person <better>. Just the act of not participating in systematic and massive animal cruelty doesn’t <enlighten> a person. So when a meat eater scoffs at us and says <so you think you are better because you don’t eat meat, HUH?> we can answer with a <no, we are not <better>> But the opposite is even more true. Eating meat while aware of the cruelty behind it DOES damage your spirit, soul, or whatever you want to call it. Eating meat and actively blocking your mind for the truth that meat means extreme cruelty, DOES lower your mind. Taking part and being responsible for systematic and massive cruelty to living beings that don’t have a voice in our society and are dependent on us, is a huge black mark on your spirit, soul, humanity, or whatever you want to call it. To continue our entertaining conversation with the meat eater, we can continue with an <even though I am not <better> b...